ISSTA 2021

59 papers accepted.

Updated on 2023-09-08.

You can find the lastest information here.

Automated debugging: past, present, and future (ISSTA impact paper award).

Identifying privacy weaknesses from multi-party trigger-action integration platforms.

WebEvo: taming web application evolution via detecting semantic structure changes.

Modular call graph construction for security scanning of Node.js applications.

Attack as defense: characterizing adversarial examples using robustness.

Exposing previously undetectable faults in deep neural networks.

DeepCrime: mutation testing of deep learning systems based on real faults.

Automatic test suite generation for key-points detection DNNs using many-objective search (experience paper).

DialTest: automated testing for recurrent-neural-network-driven dialogue systems.

AdvDoor: adversarial backdoor attack of deep learning system.

ModelDiff: testing-based DNN similarity comparison for model reuse detection.

Parema: an unpacking framework for demystifying VM-based Android packers.

An infrastructure approach to improving effectiveness of Android UI testing tools.

Semantic matching of GUI events for test reuse: are we there yet?

GUIDER: GUI structure and vision co-guided test script repair for Android apps.

HomDroid: detecting Android covert malware by social-network homophily analysis.

Seed selection for successful fuzzing.

Gramatron: effective grammar-aware fuzzing.

QFuzz: quantitative fuzzing for side channels.

SAND: a static analysis approach for detecting SQL antipatterns.

Semantic table structure identification in spreadsheets.

Runtime detection of memory errors with smart status.

UAFSan: an object-identifier-based dynamic approach for detecting use-after-free vulnerabilities.

Fuzzing SMT solvers via two-dimensional input space exploration.

Boosting symbolic execution via constraint solving time prediction (experience paper).

Synthesize solving strategy for symbolic execution.

Type and interval aware array constraint solving for symbolic execution.

Grammar-agnostic symbolic execution by token symbolization.

Interval constraint-based mutation testing of numerical specifications.

Predoo: precision testing of deep learning operators.

TERA: optimizing stochastic regression tests in machine learning projects.

Deep just-in-time defect prediction: how far are we?

Fixing dependency errors for Python build reproducibility.

Test-case prioritization for configuration testing.

The impact of tool configuration spaces on the evaluation of configurable taint analysis for Android.

Challenges and opportunities: an in-depth empirical study on configuration error injection testing.

Empirically evaluating readily available information for regression test optimization in continuous integration.

Toward optimal mc/dc test case generation.

Log-based slicing for system-level test cases.

Model-based testing of networked applications.

Validating static warnings via testing code fragments.

Continuous test suite failure prediction.

Empirical evaluation of smart contract testing: what is the best choice?

iDEV: exploring and exploiting semantic deviations in ARM instruction processing.

RAProducer: efficiently diagnose and reproduce data race bugs for binaries via trace analysis.

A lightweight framework for function name reassignment based on large-scale stripped binaries.

Finding data compatibility bugs with JSON subschema checking.

Automated patch backporting in Linux (experience paper).

Faster, deeper, easier: crowdsourcing diagnosis of microservice kernel failure from user space.

echidna-parade: a tool for diverse multicore smart contract fuzzing.

ProFuzzBench: a benchmark for stateful protocol fuzzing.

SCStudio: a secure and efficient integrated development environment for smart contracts.

C4: the C compiler concurrency checker.

TauMed: test augmentation of deep learning in medical diagnosis.

MoScan: a model-based vulnerability scanner for web single sign-on services.

RESTest: automated black-box testing of RESTful web APIs.