ISSTA 2019

53 papers accepted.

Updated on 2023-09-08.

You can find the lastest information here.

Some challenges for software testing research (invited talk paper).

From typestate verification to interpretable deep models (invited talk abstract).

Theory and practice of string solvers (invited talk abstract).

Crash-avoiding program repair.

Practical program repair via bytecode mutation.

TBar: revisiting template-based automated program repair.

History-driven build failure fixing: how far are we?

LibID: reliable identification of obfuscated third-party Android libraries.

QADroid: regression event selection for Android applications.

Mining Android crash fixes in the absence of issue- and change-tracking systems.

Sara: self-replay augmented record and replay for Android in industrial cases.

Root causing flaky tests in a large-scale industrial setting.

Mitigating the effects of flaky tests on mutation testing.

Assessing the state and improving the art of parallel testing for C.

Failure clustering without coverage.

DeepHunter: a coverage-guided fuzz testing framework for deep neural networks.

Search-based test and improvement of machine-learning-based anomaly detection systems.

DeepFL: integrating multiple fault diagnosis dimensions for deep fault localization.

Codebase-adaptive detection of security-relevant methods.

Effective and efficient API misuse detection via exception propagation and search-based testing.

Automated API-usage update for Android apps.

A large-scale study of application incompatibilities in Android.

Deferred concretization in symbolic execution via fuzzing.

Differentially testing soundness and precision of program analyzers.

Judge: identifying, understanding, and evaluating sources of unsoundness in call graphs.

Adlib: analyzer for mobile ad platform libraries.

Interactive metamorphic testing of debuggers.

TestMig: migrating GUI test cases from iOS to Android.

Learning user interface element interactions.

Improving random GUI testing with image-based widget detection.

Automatically testing self-driving cars with search-based procedural content generation.

Semantic fuzzing with zest.

Detecting memory errors at runtime with source-level instrumentation.

Optimal context-sensitive dynamic partial order reduction with observers.

Exploiting the laws of order in smart contracts.

Go-clone: graph-embedding based clone detector for Golang.

VFQL: combinational static analysis as query language.

VBSAC: a value-based static analyzer for C.

SAFEVM: a safety verifier for Ethereum smart contracts.

CoCoTest: collaborative crowdsourced testing for Android applications.

Androlic: an extensible flow, context, object, field, and path-sensitive static analysis framework for Android.

JQF: coverage-guided property-based testing in Java.

Ukwikora: continuous inspection for keyword-driven testing.

CTRAS: a tool for aggregating and summarizing crowdsourced test reports.

Continuous software performance assessment: detecting performance problems of software libraries on every build.

Mining constraints for grammar fuzzing.

A new dimension of test quality: assessing and generating higher quality unit test cases.

A cost-effective strategy for software vulnerability prediction based on bellwether analysis.

Identifying error code misuses in complex system.

Conditional dynamic partial order reduction and optimality results.

Towards scalable defense of information flow security for distributed systems.

On the correctness of GPU programs.

JNI program analysis with automatically extracted C semantic summary.